Jim Woodford

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Such a Stirring in My Heart

"One Day about a year ago my sister called me and told me about a man who died and went to heaven and came back to tell about this experience. She said he was going to be speaking in Manheim, PA, and asked me if I would be interested in going with her to hear him speak. Well, of course I jumped at the invitation with a sounding YES, because I love reading books about heaven and people that have gone to heaven and came back to share their experiences.

I remember the evening that we went. Oh my, it was so powerful! We first sang and then we prayed. I remember thinking as we were singing how these people weren't just singing, they were singing from the depths of their hearts with such a holy fire in them. I stood there thinking how beautiful it sounded and how beautiful it must have sounded to the Lord's ears. I felt the Holy Spirit so strong in that room. My heart was stirring!

Then after our singing and praising the Lord, [we prayed]. I remember holding my sister's hand and then someone came and held my other hand. I did not know who the person was because I did not look up, I just remember sensing as we held hands such a gentleness and strength and [warmth] from this hand, it was like I never held a hand like that before, there was so much love coming from this hand and I stood there saying in my spirit, 'Lord, I don't understand all this, but I believe I am holding my Father's Hand!'  

Then came the time when we were introduced to Jim Woodford. Oh my! As he started to share his testimony I sensed right away the kindness in him and the love he has for Jesus. I remember looking at his eyes and seeing how they shined. Jim had such a glow about him. He just beamed as he told his story. I sat there in my chair so hungry for the next word to come out of his mouth. I couldn't get enough of what he told us about heaven. Jim shared so many wonderful things that he experienced in heaven and they were all so touching to me, but the one thing that touched my heart the most was when he cried out to Jesus and said," Jesus help me!" Instantly the Angels came and comforted him. I thought of Ephesians 3:18 and 19 where it says, 'And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.' [NLT]

I have had the privilege to hear Jim's testimony several times. Each time I come away with such a stirring in my heart, that I just have to share it with people and tell them how much Jesus loves them."

- Sue Nonnenmocher