What do you tell people who question if you went to Heaven ? Do you ever feel confused or unsure of what happened, that it might be a dream and that you never saw Jesus?

I always  begin my story by saying words to the effect that, “In this age of CGI and the Internet the world is full of skepticism and cynicism. I understand perfectly because a few short years ago, I was just like many others in my disbelief and ridicule." If people do not choose to believe me I am not offended or angry. I am simply sad for that soul that is crying out for help and yet free will and ego stands in it’s way . I have no agenda, no demand, no ulterior motive, no secret quest. I am not a pastor, a theologian or a biblical scholar. I am simply a TRAVELER, who was given a glimpse of a world almost  beyond description, and the gift of a second life to be used to inform all who will listen. If they choose not to hear they are denying the existence of their spirit and soul. They are simply existing in a body. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 mentions a whole spirit, soul, and body. You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. Man is a spirit being who was created in the image of GOD, who is a SPIRIT. ( See Genesis 1:26; John 4:24 ) . Somehow we have come to think of ourselves as simply human beings with a spirit and or soul when in fact we are spirits and souls encased in a human body for a brief period of time. My experience has given me knowledge that I believe is only given to those God has permitted to cross back through the veil of death. I try every day to use that knowledge, to inform those who will listen, that in fact THEY LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE DYING……..THEY GO TO THE LAND OF THE LIVING !!!


My experience was no dream….no hallucination. This event is not a memory but an indelible engraving upon my soul! Besides the testimony of my family who interacted with those who attended me, I have undergone a profound change in the way I see people and the challenges they face. I sense their anguish behind the false mask of bravado and worldly success. It fills me with sadness when I know that they are a heartbeat away from a peace that surpasses all understanding, if only they would accept Jesus into their hearts.

I was privileged beyond measure to look into the eyes of JESUS and see myself reflected in his undying love for me. Someone who deserved nothing from HIM and yet HE made me feel that I was the most important thing, in all HIS FATHER’S creations, to HIM. I strive daily to convince others to see what I saw, to feel what I felt, and to know what I know!!!

Jim Woodford